The Difference between Cacao and cocoa

The Difference between Cacao and cocoa

And why we choose Cacao, every time.

Although Cacao and cocoa are derived from the same plant, they are vastly different substances. At first glance, they may look the same and smell similar – even the way their names are spelt can be confusing! Did you ever think “Cacao” was just an incorrect spelling of “cocoa”?

Let’s take some time to break down some differences between these chocolatey cousins and help you discover why we choose Cacao over cocoa, every time:


Cacao is made by grinding the seeds of the fruit of the Theobroma Cacao tree into liquid form (called Cacao liquor). During this process, no external heat is applied. Nothing is added or taken away leaving an end result of pure, raw Cacao.

Cocoa is processed at a high temperature and pressed in order to remove the cacao butter. The final product is a powder with a lighter, less bitter flavour than Cacao, however it lacks the nutritional benefits of Cacao.


Due to the way Cacao is processed, it is more nutrient dense than cocoa and offers a richer source of antioxidants, fibre, and essential minerals. The heat cocoa is processed at combined with the removal of cacao butter vastly reduces the nutritional value and associated health benefits.


Cacao is the purest for of chocolate, with nothing added and nothing taken away. When you consume Cacao, you are experiencing the most unprocessed and nutritious version of this magical plant. Many commercial cocoa products contain nasty additives such as sugars and preservatives, and although they taste good, they are not necessarily good for you

Cacao and cocoa can be interchangeable in recipes, smoothies and drinks, however Cacao is called “The Food Of The Gods” for a reason. Try some today!

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